Thursday, November 4, 2010


What is Respect? Well Respect to me and probably many others is obeying the Adult you’re talking to and treating them with consideration, honor. Everyone on this earth deserves respect in my book, but not everyone does get it in return. Some people think they don’t need to respect others because they don’t either. For people who think like that, maybe should look up Respect. A lot of times I hear moms tell their children to respect their teachers and treat your school mates how you would want to be treated. Sometimes my mom even tells me to respect my teachers and adults who are talking to me. When she tells me this kind of stuff; I know she is saying don’t talk back or talk when they are talking. One time I did hear an adult tell me that when you respect someone it’s telling them you love them. I would have to agree with this because you’re telling them you can listen and obey the rules. All parents want their kids to respect adults because one day they are going to ask their kids to respect them, too. Some days I will see other kids pick or torture another school mate of theirs. When I see this I wonder if parents yell at their kids, or just let them act disrespectful. Maybe the kids even disrespect their parents because they let their children boss them around. Parents who think like this should get it together and be strict on their kids. Most people are starting to lose their Respect.

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