Tuesday, September 21, 2010

9/20- 9/24 Future

In the future i find myself going to college to get a good job. When I'm older i would like to be an occupational therapist. I would love this job so much because i would love to be able to work with kids who are mentally, physically, developmentally, or emotionally disabling improve their ability to perform tasks in their daily living and working environments. Also occupational therapists help them develop, recover, or maintain daily living and work skills. Another job i would like to do if i change my mind would be a cop. The ability to be able to pull over people who drive when they are drunk or text when they drive is the best feeling in the world. Not only being able to be in control but having the opportunity to catch bad guys like sexual offenders, people who do drugs and other bad people would be amazing. Being a cop you save many lives because you catch the bad guys that could have hurt someone in different ways or killed that person. In order to achieve these goals I have to work very hard, but since nothing in life comes free I'm fighting for a job with a bunch of other young kids like me. I can achieve these goals by working hard like i always do and fighting for it without giving up. I want to get a lot out of life just like most people in the world. I want to find love, have a family, have a good job and basically just live in paradise, but then again who doesn't ?

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