Wednesday, September 29, 2010

9/27-10/1 Blog # 3

Out of all four seasons, I’d say summer would be my favorite. Fall is up there too but id rather have summer and not be in school. During the summer you don't have to worry about nothing but having fun. Yeah you might have to go to work but besides that you don’t have no tests, homework, quizzes. In the summer the weather gets so hot most of the days you just want to spend the day in the pool. The best part of summer to me is spending endless days just enjoying the sun and hanging with friends. Then at night going out and getting ice-cream and of course sitting at a bonfire makes it ten times better. During the summer instead of seeing my friends in the hallways for two minutes i can spend countless hours with them doing anything we want. Some days in the summer we will go to Darien Lake and go on the rides / water slides or other days we will go to the Ricky Rats beach. At the beach we will go swimming and tan on the beach. What i love most about summer is not having to get up early in the morning and get ready for school. In which I can just relax at home and sleep in. I can't wait for summer 2011 it will be the best summer out there and absolutely so much fun!

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