Tuesday, September 21, 2010

9/20-9/24 Past

When i was little i was a just like any other kid. I barely listened and always had a fun time playing outside with my brother and sister. My mom also babysat family close friends so we would have other kids over all the time. Since my mom is wonderful at making crafts she would teach us how to make them. All of us kids would play soccer, basketball, kickball, tag, hide-n-go seek and basically any game outside you can play. One day my sister and i decided to play soccer right behind our house next to our kitchen windows. Under the kitchen windows was where we put our soccer net. Since me and my sister were always right we didn't listen to my mom and move it which ended up in a disaster. I was in net when my sister decided to take some shots on net instead of shooting for the net she shot for the kitchen windows. While this bad incident was occurring my mom was cooking dinner. My sister ran in the house while i stood in shock starring at a shattered window. Not only was my mom not happy but either was my dad. By this incident occurring we had a piece of cardboard for two months then finally a brand new window appeared. Never again are we allowed to neither put a soccer net under the kitchen windows nor shoot a soccer ball towards the house. By this accident happening we have learned to listen to my mom and that she is always right.

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