Monday, November 8, 2010

11/8-11/12 Lunch

If I could have lunch with three people living they would be Daniel Paille, Carrie Underwood, and Rascal Flatts. The reason on why I chose Daniel Paille is because he has always been a crush of mine as a kid and is extremely hot. When Daniel Paille played for the sabres I watched every single game, and would not miss one. Since he has left I would work over watching the games. Daniel Paille is the true definition of working hard and never giving up. I admire him because of that. Overall, meeting Danny would be a dream come true! Another person I would choose to have lunch with is Carrie Underwood. Carrie has an amazing voice and a lot of talent, and she is very pretty. Carrie also recently married Mike Fisher of the Ottawa Senators. When I was little my grandma would always take us five grandchildren to a few of her concerts. We always would walk away singing to her music. I remember before she got really famous we went to one of her very first concerts. I’ll never forget my mom saying “Remember guys you can always tell everyone you saw her before she became very famous”. Carrie Underwood has amazing talent and it would be so cool to meet her! Another person I would chose to eat lunch with is any member of Rascal Flatts. The way they perform on stage and all the graphics they provide to go with their music, is fantastic. Every member from Rascal Flatts always plays their hearts out on stage and at the end of the night you wish it was just starting. Meeting Rascal Flatts would be pretty cool.

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