Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Music Star

If i had to choose what my dream job would be, i would pick being a music star because that would be so much fun and so cool to see people blast your music! Being in a band full of my friends, singing your heart out and making money by albums and concerts would be great. Another reason why this job would be so much fun is because every time I’m at a concert I get chills in my stomach because their always so much fun, and it makes me get pumped up. Another reason this job is so much fun is because everybody in the crowd is so happy and smiling/singing to your music. Especially being in front of a huge crowd singing your heart out, and seeing people sing your music back to you has to be a great feeling! If I had a good voice of course I would like to sing, but since I don’t I would never sing in front of a huge crowd. Watching the singers, sing their heart out and get into their music is so exciting. Every summer I always get so excited to see what concerts will be in store for the summer. The best part of the concerts are going with your friends and singing together all the music that is blasting from the speakers. Everywhere I look I see people dancing, bobbing their heads, or even screaming the music out loud together with their friends. Being a music star would be such an amazing time!

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