Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Favorite Holiday

What is your favorite holiday? When asked this question I have a few favorite holidays but my favorite would have to be Christmas, the day Jesus was born. For every single person Christmas is usually the happiest day ever. In fact, kids love this day because their parents aka Santa Claus brings them presents that they have put on their wish list. I remember as a kid I could never go to bed because I always wanted to see what Santa Claus looked like and I couldn’t wait to see him bring me my presents on his sleigh. Christmas is a happy day for mostly everyone because you give and receive presents that you have wished for. On Christmas day usually my brother wakes up, then my sister and then me and after that we all go wake up my mom. Usually my dad works the night of Christmas Eve so he comes home at seven o clock in the morning of Christmas. That’s why it’s kind of pointless to wake up before if we know we can’t open our presents, yet. The only things we can do are sit there and stare. Also another thing I absolutely love about Christmas is every year we go to my grandparents after opening our presents to eat breakfast. All day we stay there, so usually my family and my grandparents have leftovers from breakfast, for lunch. Then for dinner time my cousins, my aunt, and my uncle that I usually never see come over and eat with us. After we are all done eating we will open presents with them and see the little guys run around and play with their toys. Christmas is also a fun time because you see smiles all over the place and happy people singing to the holiday cheer.

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