Monday, November 15, 2010


There are many things i am thankful for, one in particular is my family. Through thick and thin your family will always be the ones by your side. Indeed that is my family. Even though sometimes they might bother and annoy me I still love them all, a lot. My parents probably are the reason I am the person, I am today. Yes they did have me, so my looks are from them but my personality and being responsible is from them. They raised me well and taught me how to be polite to others, and all around nice. My mom always tells me to smile, it can always make someone’s day. My family is one of the reasons I can get through a rough day. Another thing I am thankful for is being able to see and walk. So many people can’t see or can’t walk on their own. When I see people like this my heart breaks and I want to give them my feet or eyeballs. So many people have to live with this and it has to suck, my heart is with them. Another thing I am thankful for is my hands. Every day I use my hands, for doing my hair, putting on my make-up. Basically everything I can do I have to use my hands for. If I did not have a hand with fingers I do not know how I could live. Another thing I am thankful for is my friends. If my friends weren’t there for me, I would probably be lost. My friends are always there for me and I am very thankful for that. When I’m down they will bring me up, if they are down I will bring them right back up. Having a best friend is what every girl needs and wants. I am very thankful for the girls I call my best friends. Overall I am very thankful for being alive.

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