Tuesday, November 23, 2010

"Fear builds walls"

To me analyzing this following statement “Fear builds walls” is a very hard thing to do because I don’t really know if I’m right. To me I think it could mean many different things in different ways. Being in fear of something is being scared to do that one thing because of someone in the way. There are a few ways I think this statement could mean but one way I think it could mean is afraid to fall in love. When this happens you’re scared to love someone because you don’t want to get hurt, by, them not loving you back in the same way. Many people go through this because the one they love don’t really want anything to do with them. I think when you give someone you’re everything you want to make sure they’ll give it back or you will pay for bad consequences. Another way I think is possible and also describes this statement is that if you are in fear, or scared to do something you will automatically step back, and think about it. Then you will not do it because you’re scared of getting hurt, declined, etc. Maybe you think you will fail at it because you’re not good enough. To me when you think you’re not good enough for something, I think that’s ridiculous. Being scared of something shouldn’t let you back out of something you would like to do. I think everyone should go for something even if they’re scared. If we weren’t allowed to ever be scared, that just wouldn’t make sense.

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