Tuesday, November 16, 2010


What is winning? What does winning mean to you? What does it mean to be a winner? As these questions run through my head; I am thinking of how in sports if you win every game you’re a winner. Also if you’re sport team wins every single game of the season, you’re obviously a winning team that’s hard to beat. Winning, to me is showing up every game and showing everyone how you play and get things done. Even if you lost your team maybe still played a great game and maybe not have won, but are still winners in the heart. To me when I play soccer, yeah we might have lost, but when my teammates and I play our heart out, that to me is winning. Some other people might think different but to me I believe winning is playing your heart out and giving everything you got. I also think it’s just a victory to be playing a sport that I love. When I play soccer I have so much fun running after a ball, passing and trying to score. Especially having fun playing the sport you love with fun girls. On my travel soccer team we all have so much fun! Even if we are down some goals, we still try to catch up by playing our hearts out. A lot of people think winning is just about ending a game with a victory. Yes, that is true but it also means having the ability to play the sport and show everyone what you’re made of. To me that is winning. Also to me winning is just a word that expresses the end of a game. You can either win or lose but in the end everyone is still a winner by playing the sport you love.

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