Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Blog #1

When asked to choose a picture from this website, i had no doubt in my mind but to pick this picture. Since i love animals, i knew i needed to pick a picture with some sort of animal in it. Since sea lions have to be the cutest things ever, i knew i wanted to write about this picture. Last year at the fair i got to see the Sea lion show. I think this was their second time back at the Erie county fair and i seriously love this show so much. I think it’s so cool on how sea lions can act the way they do and perform tricks in front of adults and children. Some of the tricks they do amaze me. If you really think about it, it’s so cool on how animals can interact with humans like their best friends with each other. Sea lions to me are so cute and even though their slimy I think I would give them a hug. Even though they are only an animal I would like to have one live with me. I think that would be the greatest thing to ever happen on this earth. Especially when they give high fives, roll on their stomachs, clap for each other, etc. What attracted me to this picture was the way sea lions interact in real life and on how cute they are even in real life. When looking at this picture my feelings are good because I absolutely love sea lions and how cute they can be to their trainer or whoever works with them. Sea lions have to be the cutest animal to ever be created on this entire planet. The way their so friendly with people and they even take pictures with people. To me this picture is the cutest thing ever.

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