Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Ryan Pinkowski

In online publishing we were asked to write about what Ryan Pinkowski does in his free time. I might not know for sure but I could take a guess. I’m sure Ryan does go to work and make some good money but other than that he has to do something else. Indeed I heard he has a band. His band is very popular and very well known throughout the Alden community. Most of the kids in High school always stop him to get his autograph. In fact he once signed someone’s neck, stomach, leg, arm, hip, etc. Ryan’s band practices every night in one of the guitarist’s basement. His band consists of a drummer, lead vocalist, and three guitarists. Ryan is the lead vocalist. Everyone in school never knew Ryan would be so skillful and know how to sing so well but truth is his voice is so powerful people go to sleep listening to his music. Ryan and his band are known as The Hero’s. They like to play country music and some other sorts of music. Ryan and his band try to play every weekend in the town hall. All sorts of children and even adults come out to support the band. Sometimes in the hallways I can hear people talk to each other about how good his band performed and how happy the crowd was. One day I did attend and the music was so powerful it stuck in my head and I couldn’t stop singing to their music. I got a chance to talk to the band and they told me every week the crowd gets bigger and bigger. Some day they hope to be famous and hold concerts consisting of millions of people. Everybody does like to dream but I do say they can make it as far as they want.

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