Wednesday, December 15, 2010


What is beauty? According to there are a lot of different things it means. One meaning that most people think beauty is would be a beautiful person. There are many different views on this topic and mine is probably different then everyone else’s.  Beauty to me is having that magical glow in and out. All because she has a pretty face doesn’t mean she has beauty. Beauty is also having a great personality to go along with your beautiful qualities. Sometimes girls who think there extremely gorgeous have an attitude that’s so rude and intimating to their peers which they should really be extremely nice to everyone even if they are really pretty. Also a lot of people think skinny girls are all about being the only girls that are gorgeous. That’s not true, but if one person thinks that usually about a hundred more people will think that too. According to they agree with what I’m trying to say. They wrote the inner attributes of a person must be of high quality for the person to be considered truly beautiful. The person's ability to warm another’s heart, place a smile on someone's face definitely shows the characteristics of one who has inner beauty. The criteria therefore to judge a person's inner beauty is his or her level of sensitivity, compassion, tenderness, intelligence and creativity. These qualities of inner beauty are indeed powerful for they can exceed the person's outer features. I totally agree with this site. In order for someone to be beautiful they have to have a warm heart to go along with all these beautiful traits because when someone doesn’t it just doesn’t make them look good. Beauty is just all around having everything that goes along with it like a nice attitude, friendly, outgoing.

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