Monday, December 20, 2010


To me the best time of the year is definitely Christmas! Christmas is the best time because everyone around you is usually happy and passing around the holiday cheer. Every year around Christmas i usually see a lot of my family which i love because i never really see any of them. Since me, my sister, jaimie, and Jessica all got jobs we barely ever see each other anymore. Even though we all have cars and licenses we still don’t see each other. The sad part about this is when we were little we always did everything together. To get my cousins to sleep over we would make Jessica and Jaimie fall asleep on the top bunk of our bunk bed so their parents couldn’t reach them in order to take them home. The outcome usually was their dad coming in and picking them up and further more taking them to their car. When that would happen we were very miserable and then always bothered our parents, asking why they could never sleep over. It was very disappointing because we couldn’t play dolls all night. So Christmas every year is so much fun because we get to spend quality time with each other. Not do I only see my wonderful cousins but I also see my uncle and grandma too. Even though they live right next door it’s still very hard to go over there because were always working or I’m at school. During Christmas Eve we all go over to my grandma’s house and open up our presents from her. When we were little she would get us all expensive Santa babies and we absolutely loved them so much! Every Christmas Eve we couldn’t wait to open them. This Christmas eve we are still very excited to see what our lovely grandma has in store for us J

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