Monday, October 18, 2010

Bein a Boss

When I saw that question I didn't really know what to say because I never thought we would have to right a blog on what a boss is but if you insist I will. Being a boss you are in control of a lot of people. In order to be a boss you have to take care of your business that you’re running and make sure they are doing everything in the right way. Some people who are the boss shouldn’t be because they don’t do a good job of it. I’m sure being the boss you get blamed for a lot of your actions because you have a majority of people against one person. At work I get called a princess and one day I walked in and they handed me a princess pin. I honestly don’t know why but they do and I think that’s what people do to Nate? I don’t really know because this is a really weird blog in case you didn’t know. Mr. Currin maybe you should get him a pin that says boss. Then we can all right about when you gave him the pin, how excited he was, just another crazy/exciting blog like this. Writing this blog made my head want to blow up; such a crazy question to answer and then keep writing about is very hard. Especially when you don’t really know him and you wonder why he calls himself the boss. If you do not know most people call themselves things like that because it’s fun to do and to joke around with. I don't know all i know it its more than 250 words :)

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