Thursday, October 14, 2010

Best Classes

I don't really have a favorite class but if i had to pick between a lot of classes, i would probably choose two of my classes now which are Environmental Science with Mr. Domino and Online Publishing with Mr. Currin. I think Environmental Science is such a fun and exciting class. Mostly every week I think we get to watch a movie about exciting new things. Mr. Domino is a very exciting teacher so overall the whole class is a total blast. Also to top the class off my best friend is in there so it makes it ten times better. When you have friends in your classes it makes it a lot better because you will always have someone to talk to. Mr. Domino will always make the class fun in some sort of way even if it takes him to dance or sing it is still a fun class. Especially when we do our labs, instead of them being boring they are actually very fun to do because he makes them exciting. The other class I like to be in is Online Publishing with Mr. Currin because he is also a cool teacher. This class is also very fun because of all the freedom you get. Even though you get certain deadlines it’s also an easy class to keep a very high grade in the ninety’s. Every week we get to write three blogs that have to be a certain length. I actually like it and don’t mind it at all because we don’t get graded for our thoughts but except for how many words it contains. In conclusion, both of these classes make my day go by very fast and I love it!

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