Monday, October 25, 2010

Sprained ankle :/

One time in my life that I was injured very badly and that I will never forget was my JV year of soccer. It had to be about four practices before our first game started that I had sprained my ankle. This awful accident occurred when Joelle Schwab and I were running after the ball and somehow I tripped on her foot and all we could hear was a big pop. I fell to the ground and was in shock. When everyone came over and asked if I was okay, that’s when I started crying even though I couldn’t feel any pain, because it was numb. I remember getting walked over to the bench by my teammates and looking over at the modified field and seeing my travel coach, Mr. Boling. When I saw him coming over I think I started to cry again because I thought I was out the whole season. Mr. Boling asks what I did and I told him and he responded by saying I’ll be back out on that field in no time! I told him I couldn’t feel my foot and it looked like it was getting bigger. He got me some ice and I think he called my mom. Later, when I got home my dad was at the kitchen table and my mom was cooking dinner , my dad looks at me and goes “What happened lyss?” all I remembered was limping away to the couch and bursting into tears. They came in and told me I’ll be back in no time. I really didn’t want to listen, all I wanted to do was cry and say my JV season of soccer was ruined. After about 3 weeks or so, I was back in action out with the girls and finished a very strong season with the JV girls.

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