Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Notebook

Another favorite movie of mine would be The Notebook directed by Nick Cassavetes starring Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams. The Notebook is a love story about an elder man reading to an elder woman on a regular basis. The elder man brings alive the love story between a young couple who were separated between World War II who were then reunited seven years later. Both the man and woman have taken different paths because the letters he wrote to her never made it to her. Though she can no longer remember her youth or basically anything his words give her the ability to relieve her past and her uncontrollable love for him as a teenager. As teenagers, Noah (Ryan Gosling) and Allie (Rachel McAdams) go through a wild love/hate relationship. The young couple is soon separated by Allies rich parents who think Noah isn’t right for her. Years later, they both meet up again and Allie has to pick between her soul mate and upper-class man. This spectacular story has a special meaning to Noah as he is telling his aging wife Allie about their love story. Throughout this whole love story it gave me the chills and i thought it was so cute. How much he cared for her was so sweet and adorable. The Notebook truly is an amazing movie and if you never seen it i suggest you should, it's very good.


  1. This was the cutest movie ever! I also read the book. The endings are completely diffrent but I love the movie ending way better.
