Monday, October 25, 2010

Cindy Eggert :)

One person that i look up to would be my mom, Cindy Eggert. My mom is probably one of the nicest people, someone could ever meet. Everywhere I go with my mom she knows someone or will meet new people. She is so talkative she could probably write a novel everyday on what she talks about. I remember one day after church we went to tops and it took my mom about two hours because she talks so much. It was kind of funny because my dad, sister, and brother were all getting mad and I was too. I look up to my mom so much, she is my best friend. My mom also has a very big smile too, it’s so pretty! Some of her good friends usually joke around about how she smiles when she sleeps or talks in her sleep because those are the two things she always does. Not only is my mom the nicest person on this planet but she also is a very good cook and baker. When my friends use to come over they would come around dinner time and all they would say is “are you having a thanksgiving dinner?” I think Morgan said that one time. Now my friends usually come over later because of my work schedule. My mom and I are not really alike but her kindness rubs off on me, which is good. Since my sister, my brother and I were little my mom was a stay at home mom. My mom was very lucky to be able to stay home with us kids but now looking back I’m very glad she did. When we were all little my mom would also babysit other kids. One of those kids was Morgan Dulski. All of us would have so much fun because my mom would think of games, crafts, and songs to dance to before school. Overall, I’m proud to say my mom is Cindy Eggert.

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